
Reflexology is a powerful but gently applied complementary therapy aimed at restoring health, energy and balance to your whole body and mind, returning it to an efficient state of ‘homeostasis’.

free foot reflexology chart


Reflexology is deeply relaxing and re-energising. It follows the premise that the body, mind and soul are inextricably linked and work as one system.  It is based on the theory that points on the feet, lower legs, hands, face and ears all correspond with different areas of the body. 

Foot Reflex


By applying gentle pressure, massaging and manipulating these reflex points we promote healing in the connected area by releasing any blockages and restoring the free and healthy flow of energy, blood, nervous and lymph circulation to the whole body. 

ancient egyptian reflexology


There is evidence of foot and hand massage in the hieroglyphics of the Ancient Egyptians and in the stories of Native Americans. The Chinese have been using the application of pressure as a healing therapy for over 5000 years.